Keys To Success: Get Rid Of The Bus Stop Mentality

In my personal coaching business I find that one of the most important keys to success is to recognize the “bus stop mentality.” And, having recognized it, do something about it.
What is the “bus stop mentality?” It’s a pattern where you
  • Allow yourself to be distracted
  • You fail to accomplish what you need to accomplish
  • You have a sense of frustration and reduced energy
Keys To Success: What Are Your Distractions?
Distractions can range from always checking email, to surfing the web, to Facebook, to the impromptu meeting, to the phone. There are others but those are some of the major ones. As a self-employed business owner the first step is to become aware of your distractions. The second step is to take control of them.
Everyone starts their day. You start out with worthy goals to be accomplished. Yet, you somehow get side tracked. You make a bus stop. You take time away from accomplishing what you set out to do.
Here’s the key. Some of it is necessary. But, a great deal of it is not. When you take too many bus stops during the day on your way to accomplishment you end up accomplishing very little.

Read the complete blog here... Keys To Success: Get Rid Of The Bus Stop Mentality


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