
Showing posts from January, 2019

How to Have Your Best Year Yet Part 3

In the last post I shared with you three more questions to ask yourself on your path to achieving your best year yet. Altogether here are the six questions presented to this point. 1. What did I accomplish in the past year? Or what did I accomplish in the last 12 months? You can start having your best year yet at any time. 2. What were my major disappointments? 3. What did I learn? 4. How do I limit myself and how can I stop? This question, to me, is one of the most challenging. You have to take a deep introspective look at yourself and come to an understanding of how you may limit yourself and how can you stop. 5. What are my values? As with the other questions, there are no right or wrong answers here. If is important to define your values. It will give you a mirror into how you conduct your business and your life. It will show you your priorities in how you accomplish things. 6. What roles do I play? This is critical. Identify all the roles you play in your life. Most...

How to Have Your Best Year Yet Part 2

I believe you must look at the whole situation. It is easy to develop strategies for the business but maybe those strategies don’t fit the leadership style or the person. Then adjustments need to be made as we discover what needs to be addressed. When you are involved in the business coaching process, regardless of who you collaborate with, you must be willing to stretch. Read the Blog “ How to Have Your Best Year Yet Part 2  " to know more.

How to Have Your Best Year Yet- Part 1

When you come to the end of a calendar year, it is a wonderful time to reflect on our past year. What did you accomplish? What were our disappointments? What did you learn? These are a few questions that can get you started on reflecting and evaluating. I have learned over the years in my personal business coaching in The Woodlands and surrounding areas, that this reflection is good to do annually, yet if you truly want to stay on track with your goals, it works even better to do a quarterly evaluation. If you are getting off track, you can more easily alter your course to refocus on your goals. If you get too far off, the difficulty and energy required to get back on track is much greater. In a way, your life is like a football game. If you divide your year into quarters, you can see how you are doing at the end of each quarter and make the necessary adjustments to win, to achieve your goals. That’s what football coaches do. At times, a large part of what I do when I collaborat...

Are You Willing to Stretch?

Since 2005, I have been a  personal business coach in The Woodlands . Whether you are in The Woodlands, another state or a foreign country, all  business coaching  is personal. Good business coaching is always about a person or persons, in the cases where I collaborate with and support teams. Today, there are many different types of coaches who can fill various needs. There are health coaches, financial coaches, life coaches and does include some aspects of as well as coaching in the other disciplines the list goes on and on. Regardless of the type of coach you are, all business coaching  self-improvement business coaching , self-improvement coaching or as some call it,  personal development business coaching  or personal development coaching. All coaching is geared in some way to your self-improvement and personal development. The one foundational principle behind all types of coaching is this. It is your willingness and ability to stretch. When you ...