
Showing posts from October, 2018

Definitions: Part 6-What a Personal Business Coach May Look at for Your Self-Improvement

In the last post, we looked at the terms symptoms, motivation and vision. When understood all three can provide the fuel for the engine of your self-improvement. In this post, we will look at tolerations, strategy, strategize and attraction. These four terms will conclude our discussion on definitions that are central to the success of a personal business coach or a personal development coach and his or her client. Tolerations : This, in my opinion, is a big one. All of us have things we tolerate. Over the years, in my life and the lives of others I have worked with I have seen the negative effect of tolerations. To tolerate means to allow the existence of something, to permit or endure something, to put up with something. This implies that the something (or someone) is less than desirable, less than the ideal, and tends to drain a person’s energy. Let me add, that tolerations will also take you off course and can cause you to lose your focus. A toleration is a situation, a...

Definitions: Part 5-What a Personal Business Coach May Look at for Your Self-Improvement

In the last post, we looked at the terms shifts, leaps, strengths, and their definitions. In this post, we will look at symptom, motivation, and vision. Looking at how these four terms are defined will give us greater insight into what a personal business coach or a personal development coach may need to know to better coach his or her client. These four terms, symptom, motivation, vision and tolerations are key to understanding what is going on your business and life as well as those you may coach. Symptom:   When you think of a symptom very often it is in relationshipto health. For example, if someone has a fever it may be a symptom of the flu. Very often symptoms give us a clue to something bigger that we can’t see, yet encourages us to ask more questions and to explore. What is a symptom? The visible expression of a condition or situation; something that indicates the presences of something else. For example, if my client is speaking very quickly, he or she may be ups...

Part 4-What a Personal Business Coach May Look at for Your Self-Improvement

In the last post, we looked at the terms intuition, discern, solutions and environment and their definitions. In this post, we will look at shifts, leaps, and strengths. All the terms we have addressed and defined so far are important. As a personal business coach or a personal development business coach I enjoy seeing shifts and leaps in my clients’ businesses and lives. And, for these shifts and leaps to occur, you must have strengths. So, let’s get started with the first term, shifts. Shifts:  Literally, a shift is a transfer from one place or position to another and includes a change, exchange, or substitution of something. It means to put something aside, such as a concept or understanding, and replace it with another. A shift can be systematic, following an established path of growth, or it can happen suddenly. Shifts are observable in resulting behaviors. For example, in my personal business coach practice, I had a client who was very talented, very bright and ex...

How to Build Confidence and Self-Esteem?

How to build confidence and self-esteem?  Very often, this question comes up when you feel that you have reached a ceiling in your personal development and growth. You have reached a point where you are asking is there more to my business and life? To move your business and life to the next level you have to become more. Only when you enlarge yourself will new opportunities find you. How do you build confidence and self-esteem?  Confidence is your ability and belief to take new action. As you know, taking the same actions will yield similar results to what you are achieving now. When it comes to confidence, motivation will get you started but it is the new habit or discipline to that will take you to the next level and keep you going. Picture yourself driving on an unpaved road where you have to follow the ruts that have been created when the ground is soft. Wherever the ruts take you is where you will have to go. The same is true with your business and life. To expe...