Definitions: Part 6-What a Personal Business Coach May Look at for Your Self-Improvement
In the last post, we looked at the terms symptoms, motivation and vision. When understood all three can provide the fuel for the engine of your self-improvement. In this post, we will look at tolerations, strategy, strategize and attraction. These four terms will conclude our discussion on definitions that are central to the success of a personal business coach or a personal development coach and his or her client. Tolerations : This, in my opinion, is a big one. All of us have things we tolerate. Over the years, in my life and the lives of others I have worked with I have seen the negative effect of tolerations. To tolerate means to allow the existence of something, to permit or endure something, to put up with something. This implies that the something (or someone) is less than desirable, less than the ideal, and tends to drain a person’s energy. Let me add, that tolerations will also take you off course and can cause you to lose your focus. A toleration is a situation, a...