Are you the little bird?
AN EXCERPTS From the book "Wings to Fly" In my book, “Wings to Fly” I tell a shortened version of the following story. The story revolves around how we can set ourselves up for harm and failure without realizing that we are doing it. When we do, the consequences can be disastrous. Here’s the story. The owl and his friend, the little bird, were perched on a branch together. The wise owl kept looking over at the little bird who had a wing over his right eye and was crying. He kept thinking about what to say. He could see that the little bird was very upset and was crying uncontrollably. He was waiting for the little bird to tell him how come he was so upset and crying. Finally, he thought, “I will just ask him a simple question.” He turned to his friend, the little bird, and asked him; “Why are you crying?” The little bird looked up at his friend the owl and removed his wing from his right eye. The owl was shocked. He could see that the little bird h...