Storming And Conflict-A Challenge?

Storming And Conflict-A Challenge In the previous post we looked at the storming stage where there is a breaking away from the false harmony and individual power displays causing rifts can be present. This stage also highlights the tension between individual identity and being a team member. Ultimately, everything mentioned to this point will have an effect on team morale and productivity. Storming and conflict are a challenge. Yet, many observers of the team process agree that some form of conflict is beneficial as long as it is refocused onto task and purpose rather than focused on personality. Too little conflict may lead members to suppress their differences without resolving them-only to find that the differences resurface at a later time, throwing the team full force back into the storming stage. Conversely, too much conflict may destroy social relationships, the result being that team members are unable to work together. The storming stage, therefore, is ...